
What astrology can tell us about our relationships

Kirilly Cosmic Space Priestess

“I highly recommend checking in with an astrologer before embarking on a relationship or commitment, as there is so much to glean about a potential or established relationship from using astrology charts.” (Kirilly Cosmic Space Priestess)

In this workshop Kirilly will take you on a guided journey of the many techniques astrologers can use to understand relationship potentials. And demonstrate some surprising ways astrologers view relationships.

This workshop is suitable for the astro-curious, beginners (first 1-2 years of studying astrology) and anyone that loves astrology. Bring your lovely self and your questions.

SPECIAL OFFER: Discount certificate for an astrology reading or therapy session with Kirilly. Available for workshop attendees. Don’t miss out!

World renowned astrologer, ‘Kirilly Cosmic Space Priestess’, is known for her in-depth and accurate astrology readings.

Kirilly has been an astrologer for 28 years. As well as completing 14 years of post-graduate training in the fields of psychology, transpersonal, shamanic and process-oriented psychotherapy, Kirilly has been working in private practice as a clinical therapist for the past 17 years.

Guided by the Tao and driven by a burning desire for Truth, Kirilly has spent many years dedicated to spiritual practice. In 2014, whilst studying Śaiva tantra, yoga and astrology in India, Kirilly received an empowerment from Shiva so that she may read astrology charts via direct transmission. It happened in a Uranian flash! Kirilly still loves the technical aspects of astrology and teaches them but is mostly guided via transpersonal awareness states when working with clients.

To find out more, visit www.kirilly.space

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