Shamanic Breathwork & Sound Journey
Astraea Light & Jimmy Wilson
- Sunday 4.15pm
Shamanic Breathwork & Sound Journey involves ancient Shamanic breathing techniques that focuses on conscious breathing to reach higher states of spiritual consciousness, and restore balance, peace and love in your life.
A simple yet powerful healing transformational journey this class helps you releases and heal stored negative emotions and traumatic memories. It is also an effective tool to manage stress and create deep lasting relaxation by allowing the body to release old wounds and dysfunctional patterns.
This powerful technique facilitates the body to create its natural DMT allowing the individual to go on a deep inner journey to regain fragments of their soul that is lost during trauma life events and connects them back to the magic of who they truly are.
Many people express a release in breath work greater than years of talk therapy. A variety of Shamanic Spiritual Healing tools and modalities may be used such as Bodywork, Reiki Energy Healing, Soul Return, Extractions and Sound Healing.
Be bathed in the celestial sounds of Alchemy Sound Bowls & Tibetan Singing Bowls along with other sacred instruments to expand your spiritual consciousness into your physical and emotional body.
“We are Astraea Light and Jimmy Wilson, and together we are devoted to helping others ‘awaken the healer within’ by guiding them back to their innate power and wisdom through the facilitation of transformational healing spaces. We have provided these spaces around the US, India, Thailand, Bali, Greece, London, Mexico, Guatemala and Peru.
It is our deepest knowing that we all have the ability to live life as our highest self. It is our honor to walk with you on this path of fulfilling your Dharma, your personal mission and purpose, and to help you live your most empowered life.
We work with you one on one or in group settings to create significant transformations in your personal life. The safe container we create allows you to shed your old skin, step into your power and activate your limitless potential to be your best, brightest self.
For more information about us, visit our website at”