If you’ve said “I don’t know who I am anymore. I don’t even know what makes me happy” then this quantum coming-home coaching session is for you.
During our 60 minutes together we will gently and effectively identify who you are, the aspects of you that have been lost along the path of partner, motherhood, business owner, career woman.
We will uncover who you are when you are not being who everyone else expects you to be.
From this place of reconnection, this remembering of who you really are, you will begin to feel a sense of relief and a spark of joy for the woman you remember being.
When we are able to embody this best version of ourselves, we show up in the world in ways that are more supportive, happier, more productive.
From this place, life begins to look and feel more like the one you dreamed of and less like the one you have found yourself living.
We’ll begin with a gentle relaxation, visualisation practice to help you open yourself up to the whispers of your soul, where the pieces of you that have felt lost will be rediscovered.
We’ll then spend some time reconnecting with those aspects of you and helping them feel more like home. So they are gently assimilated into your current being.
We’ll finish by creating a plan around how these aspects can be introduced into your current lifestyle in a way that will not feel challenging to you or those you love the most.
You will leave your session feeling more confident, more in alignment with the best version of you and excited to experience life as this version, the one you were always meant to be.
Sara is a qualified Life Coach, Aromatherapist and health science graduate on a mission to celebrate and encourage growth and expansion through embracing a holistic approach to health, wellbeing and life.
Sara has been working with the principles and techniques used in the self discovery/transformation space for over 20 years. Sara’s knowledge, qualifications and experiential approach to coaching and mentoring provides a gentle, nurturing and life changing experience for her clients. Her whole life approach to change allows for an easy assimilation where much can shift without the chaos that is often associated with transformation.
The Blissful Collective was founded by Sara in response to her desire to create a community of like minded souls who are seeking a space to evolve, grow and expand into the very best versions of themselves, for themselves and for those they love the most.