
QOYA: Movement as Medicine. Remembering we are Wise, Wild & Free

Gemini Adams

Qoya means ‘queen’. It is a worldwide movement, helping women remember that their essence is wise, wild and free. Through sensual dance, ritual, prayer and deep connection, we learn to trust the physical sensation in our bodies, the compass that guides us from external validation to the internal truth of our soul.

Wear loose fitting, comfortable dresses or yoga clothes. Bring a water bottle and an open heart <3

Over the past 25 years, Gemini has contributed to the fields of mental health and social change worldwide: volunteering in community development with NGO’s in Africa; mentoring juvenile offenders and at-risk youth in life-changing programs in Europe; influencing end-of-life care in the USA; teaching Trauma-Awareness Trainings across four continents; delivering domestic violence and abuse recovery programs for women, and she has lead countless retreats and workshops around the globe.


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