
Dry Needling Meridian Harmonising Acupuncture Cosmetic Acupuncture

Maria Oheham

Maria has an exciting professional combination as acupuncturist, healer and coach. She has a deep presence for her patients, provides accurate and gentle acupuncture treatment and has a unique way of making patients feel safe and understood. It gives good results.

She is a specialist in pain-relieving and preventive treatment for chronic pain and stuck emotions
Maria has a bachelor’s degree in acupuncture with specialization in western medicine.

She has also practiced acupuncture in hospitals in China, where this is a natural health-promoting treatment. She developed her skills under the close supervision of the hospital’s most prominent doctors. In addition, she got to experience the close collaboration between eastern and western medicine.

Maria is also a qualified NLP coach at MetaResource AS, which is a market-leading coaching school with a focus on mindset, coaching and leadership development.

Her vision is to build a interdisciplinary collaboration to better support clients transformation and healing

She continuously seeks new knowledge and has an original and creative way of working, and is strongly committed to offering a good alternative to traditional medication.


My name is Valeria Kechichian, I was born in Argentina 41 years ago and have been living in Europe for the past 20 years.

I was always able to read people’s energy and in 2017 my amazing teacher Rebeca Lacasa introduced me to the Akashic Records, which changed my life forever. Since then, I’ve been assisting the healing process of many people around the world.

I share what I channel, spiritual knowledge, healing techniques, tips to live more consciously and guided meditations in a bimonthly newsletter called AKASHA (akasha.substack.com).

I also run my non-profit Longboard Women United that brings basic aid, healing and empowerment into some of the most vulnerable communities in the world. Some of our programs run in India, Malaysia and Belgium.

This work has been featured in all major media worldwide and I’ve given two TEDx Talks.

Assisting and in-service of the Planetary ascension process.

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