Connection and Trust
Ofer Rosenthal
- (3pm Saturday 25th)
Connection and trust are 2 of the most meaningful ingredients in human relationships, as missing experience for many, they are becoming a major reason to seek support and healing experiences or affirmative experience for the inner beliefs. in the clinic; as facilitators, we are required to create an instant sense of
Connection and trust to be able to “”open the gates””, and form a genuine space to go through transformation together.
In this workshop we will go through fundamental essence of Connection and trust skills that could allow people that you come in contact with, to feel available and safe together with you.
Dedicated to Aquatic healing
BA in Psychology and Special education by the University of Bologna, Italy and Porto , Portugal.
Practitioner of Watsu , direct student of the belated creator of Watsu – Harold Dull with the privilege to study under other 25 aquatic healing teachers and great variety of other disciplines such as; massage , breath work, movement, free diving, dance , Buddhist meditation , philosophy, ethnology , Kinetics and more that has been all alchemised into the international school of Fly Deeper – Therapist training program of aquatic healing arts.
The school offers a program of 320h of original materials and 100 hours for spa And resort facilitators.
The school is based in Thailand, but has been operating globally with students from over 30 countries by now.
Speaking 7 languages.