Discover Your Child's Instruction Manual -
Conscious Parenting by Human Design
Sophie Dubus
- Sunday 11AM
Are you a conscious parent who wants to raise your children to feel seen, accepted and understood for who they really are, not who they think they ‘should’ be?
You know that your kids are unique, and you know that the parenting techniques you use have to match the uniqueness of your children.
What if I told you that you could see exactly how they’re designed at the click of a button?
In this workshop, you’ll learn:
– The role they’re designed to play in the world
– How they can make decisions correctly as themselves
– Their innate strengths and gifts
– Their vulnerabilities and potential for growth
– Whether they’re best suited to a structured or flexible learning environment
– Tips for bedtime and sleep routines
These tools and techniques will help you to decrease resistance in your relationship with your children, nurture them in their uniqueness and bring harmony to your household.
By discovering your child’s Human Design, you see them at the soul level and learn to know and instinctively trust what is best for them and for you.
Bring yourself, pen & paper and an open mind, and let me show you how.
Sophie is a Conscious Parenting & Motherhood Coach who supports parents in discovering their child’s uniqueness through the lens of Human Design, which is the blueprint of our soul.
She is trained in Human Design, Hypnotherapy, Transformational Coaching, Quantum Alignment Technique and as a Doula.
She is passionate about helping parents break cycles and deepen their connection with their children through proven and effective techniques that raise the consciousness of the parents as well as their children.
She lives in Phuket with her partner, their son and 6 cats.
FB: soulcoach.sophie